Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhattrawas Yojna

The scheme of construction of hostels is one of the means to enable and encourage students belonging to scheduled castes to attain quality education. The scheme for construction of hostels for girls is in operation from 3rd Five Year Plan while for boys, the same was started from the year 1989-90. The earlier centrally sponsored scheme of hostels for SC boys and girls has been revised and is renamed as “Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatravas Yojna’ w.e.f. 01.01.08. The main modifications included in the revised scheme are- (a) 100% central assistance to States/UTs and Central Universities and 90% to deemed universities and private bodies for construction of girl’s hostel and (b) period of construction of hostels has been decreased from existing 5 years to 2 years.

Funding Pattern

For Girls Hostels:

  1. 100% central assistance would be provided to the State Governments/UT Administrations and Central & State Universities/Institutions.

For Boys Hostels:

  1. 50% central assistance would be provided to State Governments on matching share basis.
  2. 100% central assistance to UT Administrations.
  3. 90% central assistance to Central Universities/Institutions. The remaining 10% cost is to be borne by the Central University/Institution concerned.
  4. For State Universities/Institutions, the central assistance would be 45%. The remaining 55% cost is to be borne by the State University/Institution and the State Government/UT Administration concerned in the ratio of 10:45.


In case the State Governments/UT Administrations concerned do not contribute their expected share of 45% to the State Universities/Institutions as prescribed above, the share of the former will also have to be borne by the Universities/Institutions, by raising their contribution to 55%.